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The Spiritual Santa Chooses to Choose Again

Here's a Spiritual Conundrum submitted to Spiritual Insights for Everyday Life by a reader named Kimberly:

How come some people are blessed with dazzler, while others aren't as cute aesthetically?

I approximate I feel it'southward unfair, how God made some people incredibly beautiful, while others are just boilerplate.

Okay, so I have a question for you, Kimberly:

Are you trying to get me into trouble with all the women and girls in the world?!?

But seriously . . . information technology's a great question! At least, all the women I've mentioned it to and then far think it is. And there are probably a lot of men who recall the same thing, whether or not they'll acknowledge it.

Which woman will be more successful?

Which woman will be more than successful?

Study after study shows that people who are beautiful are more successful financially, socially, intellectually, politically, and romantically than people who are not so beautiful. People who are cute besides by and large have a improve self-image, and are more likely to approach everything they do with a belief that they will be successful. And though it certainly doesn't guarantee success, the ability of positive thinking does brand people more likely to succeed.

So y'all may exist surprised to hear that I agree with you. By virtually any measure y'all intendance to make, it'southward not off-white that God made some people incredibly cute, and others simply boilerplate.

Fairness comes only in the things that can't be measured: spiritual things.

But let'southward not get alee of ourselves.

First, let's but acknowledge that this is a real problem for many, many people, both women and men. Especially if you are a young woman just starting out in life, it tin feel like your whole life depends on whether yous were born with beautiful genomes, or whether your genetic roll of the dice came out ophidian optics. And no matter who yous are, your looks tin have a major affect on your life.

This world isn't fair

News flash! In this world, fairness is more the exception than the rule.

  • Some people are built-in rich, others are born poor.
  • Some people are born healthy, others are born with genetic diseases.
  • Some people have loving parents, others accept abusive parents.
  • Some people have high intelligence, others have low intelligence.
  • Some are born with natural beauty, others are not and then beautiful.

No affair how much nosotros may effort to bring fairness into homo society, all around u.s. we meet unfairness, and fifty-fifty injustice. How is it off-white that some people kickoff out with all the advantages, while others have two strokes against them from the moment they're born?

We tin can't answer all of those questions right now. And so let's focus on the question at mitt. To use Kimberly'due south words, why are some people are blest with dazzler, while others aren't equally beautiful aesthetically?

At that place are many reasons given for this, such as:

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Anybody is cute in his or her own way.

Dissimilar societies have unlike standards of beauty. For example, present-twenty-four hours Western standards of beauty generally crave women to exist very slender. Merely Eye Eastern cultures are more than likely to prize fleshy, full-bodied women. Given that standards of beauty vary, can nosotros really say that i woman (or man) is beautiful, and some other is non?

If everyone were beautiful, nobody would be beautiful.

The Women's Bath, by Albrecht Durer, 1496

The Women's Bath, by Albrecht Durer, 1496

Nosotros see dazzler more conspicuously in contrast to lesser beauty and to ugliness. In a crowd of non so cute people, those who are beautiful stand out, and nosotros appreciate their dazzler more. That'south why classic artwork sometimes shows a beautiful woman surrounded by women who are less beautiful and even ugly according to societal standards of dazzler at the time. And in today'south popular moving picture industry, the leading female person characters are likely to be the most beautiful women on the cast, and plain women are included in order to emphasize the dazzler of the leading lady.

Beauty is peel deep. Inner beauty is what really counts.

You can't judge a book past its cover. A person who is physically cute may be vain, selfish, egotistical, and mostly ugly in character. The true measure of a woman (or man) is her character. In the end, people who are kind, loving, and thoughtful will exist more loved and more fulfilled in life than those who are physically cute but spiritually repellent.

Yes, merely what nearly fairness?

All of these are skillful and valid points. They offer perspectives that tin assistance usa to sort out issues of concrete beauty, average looks, and ugliness in our minds.

But they still don't address the result of fairness.

How is it fair that beautiful people have and then many advantages over those who are less cute, or are physically disfigured?

And fifty-fifty though societal standards of beauty may vary, the practical reality is that nosotros live in particular societies that have particular standards of beauty. If we measure up to those standards of beauty, it gives united states of america social, financial, political, and sexual advantages over those who don't.

Besides, information technology'south a footling too facile to say that dazzler is just capricious. In fact, studies show that dazzler is a general concrete indicator of health, intelligence, and reproductive fitness. Dazzler is not merely in the eye of the beholder. It is also linked to real physical and mental advantages. (And incidentally, faces that are an average of many faces are considered more beautiful than those that are very unlike from the norm.)

Finally, though people who take good character but non physical attractiveness certainly tin can and practise achieve success, they have to be more determined and work harder to accomplish it. Meanwhile, those who are both cute and have strong grapheme still have the advantage.

How is this off-white?

And to take upwardly Kimberly's question, why did God make some people incredibly beautiful, while others are but average?

Physical fairness vs. spiritual fairness

Fairness is a human concept and a human virtue.

Throughout nature, in that location is no such thing as fairness. In nature, the immature and stiff prevail, while the quondam and weak dice. In nature, physical beauty and power likewise give smashing advantages. The male peacock with the about cute feathers will get the females. And the healthiest and strongest male king of beasts will become all of the bachelor female person lions, while bottom males must alive as loners with no reproductive and genetic futurity.

Despite all the platitudes most how physical beauty doesn't thing, the fact is that it does affair not merely in the earth of nature, but in the globe of human culture, business organization, finance, and politics.

Which woman will be more successful?

Which woman will be more successful?

So let's merely admit that when it comes to our place in the material globe and in human society here on world, beauty does matter, and it's non off-white that some people have great concrete beauty while others do non.

If your focus is on success in the fabric world, there is no fairness. If you're beautiful, you accept a big advantage. If you're not, you're going to have to work a lot harder—and even if you practise, you'll probably be less successful than if you were beautiful.

Fairness is a human concept because fairness is a spiritual concept, and information technology exists only in spiritual things, not fabric things.

Aye, it's true that God created a globe in which people who are incredibly beautiful take an reward over those who are but average. We call that world the material world.

But God also created a globe in which not simply physical beauty, but material, social, financial, and political success do not requite any advantages. In that world, even a naturally good, pleasant, and sociable graphic symbol doesn't requite whatever advantages. We phone call that globe the spiritual earth.

Physical dazzler gives no spiritual advantages

Materially, at that place is no fairness except any fairness we humans manage to impose on an unfair world.

But spiritually, those who are beautiful take no reward at all over those who are not.

In fact, spiritually, physical beauty can even be a negative.

Women who are very cute oft depend on their dazzler for their livelihood.

  • Some use their beauty to catch a wealthy man who volition back up them.
  • Some use their dazzler to launch a career in modeling or acting.
  • Some use their dazzler to back up themselves through stripping or pornography.
  • And of class, some use their beauty to secure advancement in business or politics.

To the extent that a woman'south livelihood depends upon her physical beauty, she must spend a groovy deal of time and coin cultivating and preserving her beauty. In fact, it commonly becomes the master focus of her life. She volition spend hours and hours each day grooming herself and tending to her physical wellness, and will spend thousands of dollars on beauty products, beauty salons, and corrective surgery.

Certainly information technology is a proficient idea to tend to the health and fettle of our physical body. But people who possess great dazzler can become so focused on their concrete beauty that it pulls them away from any kind of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual evolution.

How can a adult female (or a man, for that matter) develop as a person if nigh every waking moment is spent focused on her physical body and her physical beauty? Where is the fourth dimension for reading and contemplation, for thought and intellectual development, for focusing on the human being relationships and spiritual growth that truly matter, and that make u.s.a. truly human and not merely a highly successful species of creature?

Yep, as much equally physical beauty provides an unfair advantage in the material and social earth, it tin can easily get a huge lark and disadvantage spiritually.

Spiritual fairness

Spiritually speaking, those who have physical dazzler have no advantage at all over those who don't. Spiritually, there is no unfairness. Because spiritually, what counts is developing a grapheme that includes beloved, understanding, and a dedication to serving and caring for our fellow human beings.

Beauty is a God-given approving. But only for those who are not focused on their beauty. People with great physical beauty can just as easily use it for selfish ends—to get money, power, sexual activity, and success for themselves—equally they can for selfless purposes, such every bit bringing enjoyment and happiness to others.

Spiritually speaking, dazzler is a blessing for those who devote their lives to loving and serving their fellow man beings, but a curse for those who devote their lives—and their beauty—to their own wealth, power, and pleasure.

Spiritually speaking, people who are built-in with just boilerplate looks, or even with ugly and disfigured faces, are at no disadvantage compared to those who have dandy physical dazzler. In fact, if those who endure from physical disadvantages don't go bitter and envious, their "average looks" tin can be a spiritual reward to them. Every bit they struggle to overcome their natural disadvantages, they can and ordinarily exercise develop a depth of character, beloved, and pity for their boyfriend human beings that is often lacking in people who were born with all the material advantages of dazzler, wealth, and ability.

Spiritually speaking, God is 100% fair. Whatever our physical advantages and disadvantages may be, nosotros tin can yet choose to focus our life on dear and agreement rather than on selfishness and bitterness.

This earth is unfair. It favors the beautiful, the rich, and the powerful over the average, the poor, and the powerless.

Simply when we make it at the doorstep of our eternal dwelling house in the spiritual world, none of that volition affair.

God and the angels volition not inquire us how cute we were, how much coin nosotros fabricated, how much power we had, or how good our sex was.

Instead, they volition inquire us what we did with our dazzler or with our boilerplate looks. They will ask whether we adult the inner beauty that comes from beloved, pity, agreement, concern, and practical service to our swain homo beings.

And you lot know what?

In the spiritual world, where we will live forever, our face and trunk will be beautiful, average, or ugly depending on whether nosotros take go a beautiful, average, or ugly person in spirit through our life and our choices here on earth.

Which would you rather have:

  1. Concrete beauty that lasts only a few decades? Or,
  2. Beauty in both trunk and spirit that lasts forever?

This article is a response to a spiritual conundrum submitted by a reader.

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